Departure Information

Your trip begins at the time of booking, when you start planning and dreaming about it. When it's finally time to Live the Adventure with West Trek (by Discover Canada Tours), here’s where your tour will start! If you have any questions, you can review our FAQs or contact our team for more help.

For all tours, meet at Canada Place in downtown Vancouver

All of our tour buses depart from Canada Place, unless otherwise specified. You will be able to check in with us in front of the Vancouver Convention Centre (East Building) and close to the FlyOver Canada ticket centre. In order to get as close as possible to the departure point, we recommend that you search for 1025 Canada Place on your mobile apps.

Please approach any West Trek / Discover Canada Tours staff and we will check you in to start your tour. We dress in bright green, so don’t worry, you won’t miss us!

Departure Time

Please arrive at the departure point 15 minutes before scheduled departure. The tour bus cannot wait past departure time, and if you miss it, we will not be able to provide a refund.

For all tours, we do not offer hotel pickups or pickups outside of the designated departure point. This allows us to save time and invest it in your adventures, and to offer the most competitive prices in the market.


Please ensure to plan your route to the departure point well in advance. Public transportation may not be available in early mornings in your area. We cannot be held responsible for any passengers who are late and/or miss the tour due to public transportation. TransLink is Metro Vancouver’s transportation network, so if you are planning to take public transportation, please make sure to check their website and look up your best route.

If public transportation is unavailable in your area, you can consider other forms of transportation, such as taxis or car-sharing services.

Note: This information is for our regular scheduled tours. Please refer to your confirmation email or contact us if you have any additional questions.